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Stacked, independently controlled 10 x 1/1 GN regeneration ovens in one unit adds capacity and performance to any healthcare kitchen
10 x 1/1 GN regeneration oven on mobile stand adds capacity and performance to any healthcare kitchen
The Chieftain G1016X is a heavy duty general purpose oven perfect for providing additional oven capacity and worktop space in your kitchen.
The stand-mounted Dominator Plus G3117 general purpose oven is perfect when you need additional oven capacity in your kitchen.
The G3117D is a general purpose oven with drop down door that is perfect when you need additional oven capacity and worktop space in your kitchen
The Dominator Plus G3117S is a general purpose oven mounted upon a stand to provide a much more convenient working height.
The Dominator Plus G3117/2 is a two tier general purpose oven that provides double the oven capacity of a single unit within the same footprint.