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Operation depending, hotels usually serve at least 3 meals over the course of a day; breakfast, lunch and dinner. Usually one or more kitchens will individually or collectively contribute towards the delivery of the meals.
Higher profile and or larger hotels will feature specialized restaurants, fine dining, informal bar meals and functions, events and banqueting.
Falcon has for many years supported the Hotel and Restaurant sector by producing reliable, efficient, high performance equipment, needed to meet the demands of each operation across the country.
In the article below our chef offers some suggestions as to the equipment that hotels and restaurants should have to help them easily cater for the demand placed on them.
Essential Equipment – The Must Have’s:
Most hotel and restaurant kitchens will typically need a combination of the following products in order to produce the variety of menus and food items demanded in a hotel environment:
The combination of products, and the quantity and type of appliance will vary significantly with factors such as number of covers, size of kitchen, size of menu, service times etc all being important considerations when selecting equipment.
Traditionally, hotel and restaurant kitchen equipment featured mostly gas appliances, but new builds have seen a distinctive turn towards electrical equipment, with energy efficient products such as induction hobs and combi ovens becoming integral parts of many new hotels and restaurants.
Consideration Points
Other Equipment – The Nice to Have’s
These products are generally not an absolute necessity for most hotel and restaurant kitchens but can be worth considering depending on the factors mentioned previously:
Which is best for my specific set up?
Whether they are food led or a destination venue, hotels and restaurants are mandated to serve quality food to the level they are marketed or recognised for.
Food style such as cuisine and cooking technique will establish what equipment is suitable and required to be able to deliver the food associated with the menu. Equipment will additionally provide the operator user with a clear indication what processes or cookery methods they are able to use to achieve desired output in accordance with the menus / services.
Rooms, seating, covers and turnover will additionally influence decisions, with specific considerations to allow for complex and diverse food offerings.
Typical Examples of Basic Kitchen Equipment Set-up
Whether you need to replace existing equipment, add extra capacity or completely redesign your kitchen, our comprehensive product portfolio, experienced and knowledgeable support team and understanding of the unique requirements of the hotelier, caterer and restaurateur, makes us the ideal partner for all your catering equipment needs.
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Falcon equipment is the cornerstone of kitchens around the UK and beyond - here's some examples of recent Falcon installations.