
The G3845 gas twin pan fryer offers great performance and flexibility to any kitchen. The two independently controlled pans hold 12.8 litres of oil and deliver a combined output of 34kgs chips per hour due to the fryer's fast heat up and recovery times. 

During quieter periods only one pan need be used, saving energy and oil. The pans can also be drained independently too, meaning that only used oil needs to be replaced. Another advantage of the twin pan model is that one pan can be devoted entirely to allergen free food such as gluten free, giving the operator confidence that they can safely cater for any customer need.

With a temperature range of 140-190°C, this fryer has a fast-acting safety thermostat which switches the unit off if the oil temperature gets too hot. 

Each pan is powered by an 11.4kW burner. Fryplates and lid are supplied as standard. Stainless steel side screens and castors are available as accessories


  • Energy efficient, high performance burners provide quick heat up, reduced waiting time
  • Temperature range between 140 - 190°C provides variable, precise control
  • Pans are independently controlled and can be drained separately - Energy efficient as only use one pan during quieter periods
  • Stainless steel hob with mild steel pan - Robust construction to withstand busy demands
  • Twin pans add flexibility to any kitchen - Confidently cater for specific dietary requirements
  • Sediment collection zone keeps all cleaner for longer